The entire idea behind the Binary Options Robot software is to make it as easy as possible for trading. Why? Because it makes binary options trading an enjoyable and profitable experience. Activating your Binary Options Robot VIP Account enables you additional solutions that will improve and personalize your trading account. Simple as that.
Unlike other VIP Accounts, Binary Options Robot VIP does not demand any additional payments and it is more user-friendly than one would ever expect.
Do you expect extra costs? There isn’t any. Do you expect different settings just when you’ve perfectly customized your Dashboard? There aren’t any. Do you expect downloads, uploads or plug-ins? No, there’s none of that at Binary Options Robot VIP Account.
Get the Binary Options Robot VIP Account
VIP Account is specifically designed for its users to improve their trading odds. There is a whole set of special features that work in trader’s favor only. If you need information on how to get the VIP Account, keep reading this article.
Have we mentioned that VIP Account is for free? You are most likely already eligible for the Binary Options Robot VIP Account, you are just not aware of that yet. You have registered with the Robot and have made the first deposit with a broker. Congratulations! The VIP Account just needs to be activated and the free month of exploring all the special features may begin. No hassle, no tricks.
Once the free month expires, there is more to come. When traders make a deposit with the same or another broker, they are rewarded with 3 more months of VIP status! Please contact Binary Options Robot Customer Support for prolonging your VIP Account.
Binary Options Robot VIP Account Special Features
Special features enabled in the VIP Account are created for all types of traders. Whether you are a beginner or a very advanced trader, VIP Account has exactly what you need. There are three additional features that can be customized on Dashboard once the VIP Account is activated:
- Risk Level
- Trading Strategies
- Expiry Times
Binary Options Robot Risk Level
So, you want to begin trading and place safer trades at first. You have just started to develop your strategy and want to take it step by step. Low Risk Level option enables traders to do that. The Robot is instructed to place fewer trades to optimize your winning chances.
High Risk Level feature is ideal for more experienced traders who enjoy the adrenaline rush. This means that Robot places more trades which gives you better winning odds. The stakes might be higher but so are the profits.
A beginner or an advanced trader, you can always change the risk levels. In fact, traders can set a different risk level for each broker.
Trading Strategies With Binary Options Robot
The trading strategies available on Binary Options Robot VIP Account complete the user’s trading strategy with specific algorithms that calculate the most profitable options.
There are four strategies in the VIP Account: Wise Growth Strategy, Perfect Pitch Method, High Yield Systems and Capital Gain Cue.
Each strategy is available to VIP members and more than one strategy can be activated during trading. This will provide more signals ergo more trades will be placed. However, Robot cannot trade if all the strategies are turned off, therefore, you must activate at least one strategy. As long as the trader is online, the Robot will place trades. Traders usually figure out how to balance the trades with combining the four strategies which are the ultimate goal if you want to enhance your chances of profit.
Binary Options Robot Expiry Times
Binary options are about placing trades and getting results within a determined timeframe and Binary Options Robot does all that for you! You only need to set some ground rules and check trading results whenever you want. What else can one ask for? VIP members are able to set expiry time and let the Robot handle everything else.
The purpose of this VIP feature is to give traders the option to trade either short term or long term. Traders can choose between two options: 60 Seconds or Daily Trade time limit.
If a trader marks the 60 Seconds time limit, the Robot creates the potential to profit in just one minute. The other option, known as Daily Trade, is for traders who prefer longer term trading. Traders can alternate between these two options but should be aware that Robot places trades only while you are online thus ensuring you of safe and carefree trading conditions.
Binary Options Robot VIP account – Designed For All Traders
Upon reading this article, traders will discover that Binary Options Robot VIP Account is a completely free and a very special trait that provides specific, user-oriented features available to all of its users.
The only thing to do is register with Binary Options Robot and make the first deposit with a broker and off you go, exploring the additional options and personalizing your Binary Options Robot dashboard.
Set the desired Risk Levels, pick your Trading Strategies and decide which Expiry Times option works best for you. It can all be changed, as long as at least one strategy is turned on while the Robot places trades, otherwise, it will not trade.
As it can be seen, Binary Options Robot is the ultimate auto trading binary program, created to simplify everyone’s trading experience and work in traders’ favor, making it the best software available for binary options trading.