ZuluTrade is considered as strongest social trading network in binary and Forex industry. This platform connects over one million traders, that are copying trades from best traders, called signal providers. ZuluTrade is available for anyone and it mostly includes newbies in trading industry. Social trading has a big impact on financial market and because of this, there are plenty of brokers that started including social trading products in their services.we all wanted something that will help us trade easier and without much understanding about technical knowledge and trading strategies. ZuluTrade is number one social network in financial market and if you decide to trade on social network, this is definitely platform you should register with. In this review we have registered with ZuluTrade and explained most important features from this platform.
How ZuluTrade Works?
ZuluTrade connects over one hundred binary and Forex brokers with traders in all over the world.
Most successful traders are being shown on top traders dashboard and others can copy trades from them. This is the basics of ZuluTrade platform and it is really that simple. The idea behind this social platform is to offer most successful signals to others. Advantage of ZuluTrade is that it is independent social network, free for all traders and recommended for beginners in binary and Forex industry. Copying trades gives you potential opportunity to make high returns.
After you create real trading ZuluTrade account, you will be offered to make deposit with broker you choose to trade with. Your trading dashboard lets you analyze performance of other traders. You can start following those traders who have most profitable results and basically replicate their trades in your trading portfolio. Trades are replicated in real time. You will make a profit each time your signal provider generate profitable signal.
On the picture below you can see how a demo account looks like. We have opened demo account and chose to follow few signal providers. We have got $10,000 on our trading portfolio and we were playing around with investments. For now, our profits are rising, and hopefully we will manage to make some real profits after we open real trading account.
Unlike other social networks, ZuluTrade is completely free trading platform. Traders have option to first register with Demo account to practice and get familiar with platform, before making real deposits. The reason for ZuluTrade being free is because it is in business cooperation with many binary and Forex brokers that give certain commission to ZuluTrade after traders deposit with them. Traders who create signals and make profitable results are also able to get commission.
This is most important among all advantages of this platform. Traders don’t need any technical knowledge about Forex or binary strategies to be successful with ZuluTrade. Of course, it is smart to educate yourself about financial news, assets, brokers, different analysis, risks etc.
If you want to open a follower account on ZuluTrade, you just need to follow simple registration process on their page. Click on Register button and follow the steps:
- Click on Open a Live account
- Select which platform you want to trade with (Forex or binary)
- Select a broker you want to trade with
- Open new or connect existent broker account (you will be redirected to brokers webpage)
- Start following and trading
ZuluTrade Minimum Deposit
We want to point out that traders do not deposit their investments with ZuluTrade, but with broker they chose to trade with. ZuluTrade is in this case a third party platform that connects traders and brokers. Every broker has different payment policy and deposit amount may vary between $200 to $300.
Who Are ZuluTrade Providers? They are successful traders trading with different brokers and placing their signals on ZuluTrade platform. ZuluTrade doesn’t pick the, they are random people that are very good with trading.
ZuluTrade has developed A ZuluRank, algorithm that rank traders by different factors. ZuluRank collects information about:
Maximum drawdown (how many drawdowns has provider experienced)
Exposure (this tracks number of opened positions)
System maturity (logs how long has the system been running) etc.
ZuluTrade Brokers
If you decide to trade with binary options you can register with:
AAAFx, OptionTrade, RoboOption, 10trade, BullBinary and CBF Invest.
Forex Brokers:
AAAFx, FXCM, Swissquote, Fidelis Capital MArkets, Pepperstone, IC Markets, AVATrade
ZuluTrade is founded in early 2007 by company that is focused on social trading engineering. Company is founded in Virginia, United States by CEO Leon Yohai. It also has headquarters in Athens, Greece. The company has developed API that allowed traders to copy trading strategies from other traders in real time. Company has been listed among “Start-Up 100” in Finance category in The Daily Telegraph. ZuluTrade company is also the owner of broker AAAFX, which base is located in Greece. Broker is regulated in Europe.